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"other" reponses:
15 | tarzan slam |
6 | tonic |
2 | pepsi |
2 | sodapop |
1 | fizz-water |
1 | OK all you Rhode Islanders, stand up and be proud to call water fountains-- bubblers, sandwiches-- grinders, milkshakes-- cabinets, and we pronounce Aunt PROPERLY--not ANT!!!! |
1 | a 'POP' is what you call your father, 'Coke' is found at a really good party. so the only term left is 'SODA'. ...bunch of hillbillies. |
1 | tonic (prob from my Dad from Boston, yeah Grind-ah, and bubblah and cabinet) FREE BUDDY!! |
1 | Corporate Greed Opium - we drink it and forget that it's sucking money from the poor to the rich with every sip |
1 | fizzy-doodle |
1 | caffeine!!!!! |
1 | drank |
1 | soft drink |
1 | cESKMIhGKgtxKzsesGT |
1 | WtCyJTXoaoxKIM |
1 | dwVMFXtzHCamM |
1 | JkmzsTlmFVyeXukuX |
1 | CbWulNSdMSW |
1 | NiuItaLbIWZhIvJ |
1 | Toilet |
Statistics last generated: Sun Aug 30 00:07:07 2015 Pacific Time