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"other" reponses:
229 | soft drink |
24 | liqueur |
15 | Pepsi |
4 | boisson gazeuse |
3 | Sodapop |
3 | 7up |
2 | liquer |
1 | frosty beverage |
1 | boisson gaseuse |
1 | The drink's actual name |
1 | soft drink or boisson gazeuse |
1 | Pop de Soda |
1 | 'soft drink' as a generic reference OR by its proper name, i.e., 7-Up, Coke, Pepsi etc. |
1 | Liquor |
1 | boisson |
1 | ginger ale |
1 | Iced Tea |
1 | cola |
1 | drink |
1 | can drink |
1 | pop |
1 | soft-drink or its french equivalent boisson-gazeuse |
1 | carbonated beverage |
1 | soft drink (we never say 'pop' or 'soda' here, always 'soft drink') |
1 | "soft drink" |
1 | ILpGWgGQAxoIO |
1 | shots |
1 | OdccTtrRWKyqLkpHig |
1 | Le Drinky |
1 | JnFsugPVVJROo |
1 | Sof Drink |
1 | nxmXXGvVnICPbQGIdl |
1 | VMMLkpnFfNcsxdNnf |
1 | wrMLAcfpAJodQagtW |
Statistics last generated: Sun Aug 30 00:01:37 2015 Pacific Time