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"other" reponses:
77 | soda pop |
14 | soft drink |
6 | cola |
5 | pepsi |
4 | drink |
3 | tarzan slam |
1 | fizzy lifting drink |
1 | A lovely beverage |
1 | either interchangably |
1 | all the above |
1 | Hooch |
1 | Jingo |
1 | I grew up saying pop, but by the age of 22 soda became the phrase. On a small significant note, my fiance at the time was raised in Ohio, and if I remember correctly he spawned my name for the beverage |
1 | Usually distinguish soda as any clear non-cola beverage, carbonated (7-up, sprite, mountain dew, flavored mineral water, etc.). Pop generally refers to a cola[-like] beverage (such as Pepsi, coke, Mr. Pibb, Dr. Pepper, RC Cola, etc.). But in general, pop is the more generic term of the two. Sometimes hear the term "soda pop" as well... |
1 | Jolt |
1 | mmmmmmmBEER |
1 | pepsi-cola |
1 | I grew up saying pop. My grandpa calls it soda pop, but that always makes me think there is ice cream involved. I didn't realize this was a controversy until I went to college with a lot of peope from California and they all thought it was funny that Oregonians say pop. When ordering at a restaurant I always specify the brand. My uncle always says, "I'll have a coke." Which annoys me because the waiter will then say, "We don't have coke, is Pepsi fine?" Sometimes with my friends we'll joke around and say, "Sew-duh" or "Soder." |
1 | popsoda |
1 | All of the above |
1 | Technically, this isn't a "Other" it's simply that I use "soda", "pop", and "sodapop" equally. |
1 | juice |
1 | it varies between "pop" and "soda" |
1 | tonic |
1 | faygo |
1 | bubble juice! haha. |
1 | Carbonated Beverage |
1 | fizzle water |
1 | address the softdrink by name eg coke, sprite, pepsi, etc. |
1 | Pop, Soda, Soda Pop |
1 | actual product name |
1 | carbonation |
1 | diet pop |
1 | cold drink |
1 | Pop & soda used equally |
1 | beer |
1 | Soda or pop or soda pop |
1 | garbage |
1 | Hawaiian Happy Sauce |
1 | soda pop (both words) |
1 | fizzyfoozlness |
1 | Fizzy |
1 | specific name of beverage |
1 | pmQCHUqFs |
1 | sweet bubbly |
1 | originally called it "pop", but picked up "tasty beverage" in college and have called it that since |
1 | sodey |
1 | purple drank |
1 | Hinky pinky |
1 | I say Pop and Soda interchangeably. |
1 | Gas |
1 | Sodie water |
1 | House Cola |
Statistics last generated: Sun Aug 30 00:06:53 2015 Pacific Time