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"other" reponses:
18 | soda pop |
3 | Soft Drink |
2 | drink |
2 | Pepsi |
2 | Shake |
2 | Ambrosia |
2 | seemen |
2 | Soda |
1 | Poppy |
1 | I usually call them by their brand name. |
1 | Call it by its' name - a Coke is a Coke, a Pepsi is a Pepsi, and so on |
1 | Mountain Dew |
1 | man juices |
1 | Tasty beverage |
1 | diet |
1 | connecticut blows |
1 | carbon fizz |
1 | pepso |
1 | QasjhnSAGDJlkKO |
1 | ElxqBJYWOOYUwugjMkN |
1 | Jesus Juice |
1 | By the brand name |
1 | Tit |
1 | When asking for a drink, I will ask for a soda. If you look at me like you don't know what I'm asking for I will ask for a pop. I will get my own soda if you still don't know what I'm asking for. Txs anyways. ) |
Statistics last generated: Sun Aug 30 00:05:49 2015 Pacific Time