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"other" reponses:
31 | tonic |
6 | Moxie |
6 | soda pop |
3 | fizzy drink |
2 | Pepsi |
2 | sdg |
2 | fizz |
1 | soft beer |
1 | Soft Drink |
1 | sodie pop |
1 | soder |
1 | Sodah yess'ah |
1 | Bubbly |
1 | I AM JESUS! |
1 | Ice Tea |
1 | cafennee fateys and zooo ffill foot wash cow pies puck stooper |
1 | tarzan slam |
1 | Frankington Squeeze |
1 | Keith |
1 | None |
1 | sqhrSQgvVpLgc |
1 | ') DROP TABLE WHERE NAME='results' |
1 | Soda |
1 | NhtTEPxPGA |
1 | 7UP (R) |
1 | koke |
1 | bip bopily boo bop |
Statistics last generated: Sun Aug 30 00:04:45 2015 Pacific Time