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"other" reponses:
276 | soft drink |
183 | cold drink |
25 | tarzan slam |
16 | Drink |
12 | Katrina |
8 | soda pop |
8 | Bradonvical |
7 | soda water |
3 | belly wash |
2 | snowman poo |
2 | Nuka-Cola |
2 | cold drank |
1 | soft drink or soda pop |
1 | Juice |
1 | co-rink (cold drink) |
1 | actual beverage name |
1 | I use all of them |
1 | Pepsi |
1 | ADrink |
1 | soft drink or cold drink |
1 | drink / the brand |
1 | I usually just drink a Coke if I am going to buy a soft drink, but on the rarest of occasions if I am going to drink something else I call it by the brand name, except if it's Mountain Dew, which my friends and I have dubbed "liquid crack" |
1 | what ever the drink is |
1 | Barq's |
1 | squeeze |
1 | Beverage |
1 | frothy |
1 | dope |
1 | wang |
1 | col' drink |
1 | sorry to make you have to read this I used to say "Coke" when I grew up in the south, but I've gone over to saying "soda" now that I live in the northeast. |
1 | seemen |
1 | Fizz juice |
1 | Lick the sweat off my balls! |
1 | cold drink (colddrink) |
1 | Mattzilla pwns n00bz |
1 | Snack |
1 | tubgirl juice |
1 | ass blaster |
1 | COLD drink (with the emphasis on COLD) |
1 | PREEOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
1 | freezing icy cold drink |
1 | Normally coke, but growing up we called strawberry soda "pop rouge" |
1 | snoochieboochies |
1 | Purple drank |
1 | le coke |
1 | Slurp |
1 | lExkIgedRd |
1 | tyuHzOXqhIfbl |
1 | elWYTRRXWEygSzIZtv |
1 | xNdJVfXnP |
1 | Specific drink item! No generalizations no regrets! |
1 | specific name of drink |
1 | Cold drink/ Cole-drank (southern way of saying it) |
1 | I call them whatever they are. A Coke is a Coca-Cola, a Dr. Pepper is a Dr. Pepper, a Sprite is a Sprite, Etc. |
1 | Nothing |
1 | a "cold-drink" |
1 | dad gum bubbly drank |
1 | by brand |
1 | Sprite, root beer, Mountain dew |
1 | deez nutz |
Statistics last generated: Sun Aug 30 00:04:38 2015 Pacific Time