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"other" reponses:
13 | soft drink |
3 | Pepsi |
2 | Sprite |
2 | soda, eh? |
2 | pangalactic Gargleblaster |
2 | Soda Pop or Carbonated Beverage |
1 | drinkie |
1 | Fizz |
1 | drink |
1 | diet |
1 | splooge |
1 | Any |
1 | Soda Pop |
1 | Carbonated Megadrinks |
1 | juice |
1 | It varies based on sentence structure. "I'd like _a_ soda, please," vs. "May I have some pop?") |
1 | Litrecola |
1 | zzZzAPafmvzANyohb |
1 | POP or SODAPOP "What Kind of pop?" "brand name/type w/e" I never say coke, ever. Sometimes I say SODAPOP. or SODA, though. |
1 | unxSRNzVE |
1 | sGbwMGWxYvXpv |
1 | ofjUwtgNfQHaRu |
1 | bCUfAlpyyKvWkLxkrY |
1 | JyEZytLm |
1 | KIOSPcxgZKS |
1 | RvdPLiTEGcSLwzcv |
Statistics last generated: Sun Aug 30 00:01:02 2015 Pacific Time